The pleasures and therapeutic value of soaking in hot swirling water are available day or night... all year round, in your own personal spa by Royal Spas and Perry's Pool Shop. Whether in a corner of your basement, in an add-on solarium, or amidst a backyard deck, a spa can 'rekindle' romance or relationships with family or friends, or simply allow you the opportunity to relax and massage tight or aching muscles.
Perry's Pool Shop offers a large selection of optimum quality spas available for viewing in their store. Manufactured by Royal Spa of Indianapolis, IN., these spas are quality constructed and engineered. Featuring a top-load pressurized filter, non-computerized control system, ultra quiet seal-less pump, a fiberglass pan, interchangeable therapeutic jets and insulation to spare - you simply won't find a better spa. Stop in our large showroom and choose one for your relaxing pleasure or click HERE to read more about Royal Spa.